With over ten years experience in both performing treatments and training other therapists, I am delighted to be bringing to you a small selection on non-surgical, advanced face and body treatments. Whether you are looking to address minor skin issues such as skin tags, pigmentation or warts, worried about loose skin, have stubborn fat you can’t seem to shift or want to fight against the appearance of ageing then I can help. Treatments are available in Silves, or some treatments can be offered as a mobile service.

If you are a beauty salon or aesthetics clinic looking to offer these services to your clients, then please reach out as I would be happy to discuss the option of pop up clinics.


Cryopen treatments provide a fast, safe and effective way to tackle skin imperfections. 

The cryopen emits a fine jet of Nitrous Oxide under high pressure allowing us to work with millimetre precision to tackle a range of skin imperfections including: skin tags, warts, milia, verrucae and cherry angioma.

Click here for more information.

Cryolipolysis (Fat Freezing)

HIFU Facelifting, Fat Reduction & Skin Tightening

HIFU Vaginal Rejuvenation

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