Emma Louise Kirkham was born in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, UK in 1980 where she spent most of her life until moving to the Algarve, Portugal in 2021 where she now lives with her German Shepherd, Lucky and has settled into a life of writing and coaching clients.
As an only child, Emma would often lose herself in both her own imagination and the fantasy worlds of the books and characters she read about. In her younger years, she enjoyed the works of Roald Dahl, the fantasy worlds of Enid Blyton and the adventures of The Famous Five and also, Carolyn Keene’s Nancy Drew. As she grew older her literary tastes turned towards Stephen King and Kelley Armstrong, who both still remain firm favourites.
It was no surprise that her love of books led to her passion for writing. At school she would often rush through her schoolwork so she could pull out the exercise book, given to her by her English teacher, and create her own fictional tales. Perhaps that also explains her obsession with notebooks!
However, after becoming pregnant at 15 and being told she had ‘thrown her life away’, her priorities shifting away from writing and instead, she was fuelled by a need to prove everyone wrong and show her daughter that they could be anything they wanted to be and not just a ‘statistic’.
This led to her working in office jobs before realising she could achieve so much more. She enrolled at college as a mature student, going on to attend university and then working in banking. Yet something was still missing for her. After suffering from work related stress and anxiety, she began to train in holistic therapies which led into her career in beauty, her teaching qualification and the creation of her body contouring training business, Yorkshire Advanced Aesthetics.
It was during this career this ventured further into health and wellness, training as a health coach with the Institute of Integrative Nutrition during the Covid pandemic. That’s when she began putting pen to paper, beginning her ‘Hormone Hell to Hormone Harmony’ series of books. A book series written from a place of understanding, empathy and with a passion to help women understand the causes of their hormonal imbalances and address them naturally.

Although Emma has become known for her non-fiction works, she still yearns to write fiction. She is currently toying with a few ideas which shows the adaptability and versatility she has applied to her entire life. Plus, as she likes to say, writing fiction will allow her to unleash her inner psychopath without worrying about a prison sentence!
Watch this space for more from this upcoming and slightly bonkers author.